
Sedimenti di Mario Capriotti

The sea plays a key role in everyday life both directly and indirectly. Consider, for example, its influence on the climate and on both summer and winter temperatures, on tourism, on fishing and the important natural resources it contains, like oil and minerals for example. The sea has always had an important role in history. The Mediterranean sea, the “Mare Nostrum” of the ancient Romans, for example, was for centuries the cradle of civilization. Indeed the greatest civilizations of the ancient world emerged, flourished and waned on its coast. It has also been the most widely used route for trade and cultural exchanges between East and West for centuries. On the other hand, the sea is also a huge economic resource. There are so many issues discussed on the subject of the sea, ranging from history to geology, from hydrology to marine engineering, to ecology etc. Hence the need to protect this resource, which must be used wisely. In this respect the technical and scientific contribution to the protection of this resource is vitally important. Therefore some research activities or support activities for local and regional authorities on the issues of coastal erosion and anthropic interventions have been highlighted, with particular attention to very vulnerable areas, like protected marine areas. The scientific contribution to solving the problems of the sea resource is certainly important and also supports the decisions the public bodies have to make for planning the costal territory. ( from the text by Prof. Michele Mossa)

It is a photographic project and photobook by the artistic direction of one of the most important, known and esteemed Italian photographers, Massimo Siragusa (, created in collaboration with the LIC (Laboratory of Coastal Engineering) of Valenzano ( BA) of the Polytechnic of Bari DICATECh ( Coastal Engineering Department) and Prof. Michele Mossa (, published by Phaos Edizioni, by art director Giuseppe Rosalia and printed by Miartè of Catania ( )
The self-publishing printed in April 2021, printed on Favini Shiro Alga paper with artisanal binding and in a limited edition of 25 numbered copies (1st edition 2021). The publication is sponsored by the Engineering Department of the Polytechnic of Bari.
A special thanks to the people who believed in the work and in the project, to the people who collaborated in the creation and also all the people who supported and contributed with the crowdfunding campaign for its realization, thank you very much for your important support.
Mario Capriotti

E' un progetto e una pubblicazione fotografica con la curatela di uno dei più importanti , conosciuti e stimati fotografi italiani, Massimo Siragusa (, realizzato in collaborazione con il LIC ( Laboratorio di Ingegneria Costiera ) di Valenzano(BA) del Politecnico di Bari DICATECh (facoltà di Ingegneria Costiera) e il Prof. Michele Mossa ( ), edito da Phaos Edizioni , con la direzione artistica di Giuseppe Rosalia e stampato dalla Miartè di Catania ( )
La Pubblicazione autoprodotta stampata nel mese di Aprile 2021, stampata con carta Favini Shiro Alga con rilegatura artigianale e in edizione limitata di 25 copie numerate (I edizione 2021) . La pubblicazione ha il patrocinio della Facoltà di Ingegneria del Politecnico di Bari.
Un ringraziamento speciale va a chi ha creduto nell'opera e nel progetto, a chi ha collaborato nella creazione e soprattutto a chi ha sostenuto e contribuito con la campagna di crowdfunding per la sua realizzazione, grazie di cuore per il vostro preziosissimo aiuto e sostegno.

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CineSud Fotomagazine
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Fotocrazia Blog di Michele Smargiassi su

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